之前我們在光澤面紙基相紙這個類別,主打的一向是Canson Baryta,因為單論各項性能,如最大黑色濃度,色域範圍,對比,解析力,Baryta系相紙都是最高性能。
Canson platine色彩濃度性能雖然跟Canson baryta同等級,但整體調子比較柔和一點,沒有Baryta那樣銳利強烈。
但是印了這一批之後,發現自己過去似乎太小看了Canson platine....:D 其實撇開它的色彩和解析力性能以外,它是Canson光澤面相紙裡面,擁有最獨特質感的紙材 (內心聲音:這才是重點阿!)
Canson的霧面純棉相紙rag photographique也有類似很獨特的質感,照理說都是霧面平滑面紙材,各家差別應該不大,但是每次給客戶選幾乎都選Canson。
結果今年以來用量反而激增 Ilford光面RC很快就用完了,代理商長勵方面則通知原廠Ilford光面RC已經不再供貨,所以後來就改用國產宣城的頂級光面RC。
提到光面相紙就想到Group f/64,人家的堅持多少有其道理。
The group’s effort to present the camera’s “vision” as clearly as possible included advocating the use of aperture f/64 in order to provide the greatest depth of field, thus allowing for the largest percentage of the picture to be in sharp focus; contact printing, a method of making prints by placing photographic paper directly in contact with the negative, instead of using an enlarger to project the negative image onto paper; and glossy papers instead of matte or artist papers, the surfaces of which tended to disperse the contours of objects.
Leaf Art 綠葉藝術影像粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/leafprintstudio
Leaf Art 綠葉藝術影像web: http://leafdigitalimage.info/
112台北市北投區立農街一段257巷8號B1 (捷運唭哩岸站2號出口旁)
tel: 02-28238355
mobile: 0919143643
email: wenbao@gmail.com